A System for Clear Thinking

The most meaningful question from Afros & Audio 2024.

Hey honeys and hustlers,

I was on a panel with the incomparable Anna Deshawn and Lloyd George at the Afros and Audio Podcast Festival last month in Baltimore. Our talk was on podcast monetization, and we covered everything from crowdfunding to brand deals. We got some great questions from the audience, but the question that stuck with me the most didn’t come during our session. As I was getting ready to leave at the end of the festival, Walter stopped me and said, “We have to make a video before you leave!” And of course, I happily obliged. Little did I know that his first question would really sit with me:

“I’ve been seeing your posts on Linkedin and you look like you’re having an incredible year. What are you most proud of?”

Honestly, it took me a moment to respond for two reasons: I’m wary of making my LinkedIn (or any social media platform) look like a highlight reel, and I struggle with detaching my accomplishments from my self-worth. It’s been a rough year for creators and I haven’t been immune to that. Those moments of doubt still come, and I wonder if freelance filmmaking is still a viable career choice. While I’ve done many things I’m proud of, like creating a short film and writing this newsletter, I’m ultimately most proud of my ability to navigate rough patches and tough decisions.

One thing that’s really helped me make decisions with clarity and confidence, aside from therapy, is writing morning pages. I know, I know. It sounds like a cheesy writer recommendation, but as always, it can be applied to your daily routine as strictly or loosely as you would like. In addition to my 3-2-1 weekly writing framework, I also

  • write notes from podcasts I listen to or books I read

  • brainstorm video ideas, for long-form and short form

  • draft articles for this newsletter

  • capture quick notes, like ideas for original film scripts or characters

  • organize ideas I have for this community, the podcast, and my business

I think the what is just as important as the why, and forgiving yourself for mistakes is just as necessary as making them.

To end this on a lighter note, I have a gear recommendation from none other than Walter himself. He used a DJI mobile gimbal and the Shure wireless mics with the Shure app on his phone to record our talk. If you’re looking to get started with just your phone, this setup looks awesome. You can actually record and see audio levels within the app, and if you need extra stabilization, you can have it in a compact package.

If you’re a free subscriber and have a Substack account, you may receive an email directly from Substack offering you a 1-month gift subscription to the paid version of this newsletter community, PHR+. By taking advantage of this offer, we both win: you get a free month of content that is reserved for paying members and I receive the money directly from Substack to continue supporting this newsletter, the podcast, and the YouTube channel. I can’t wait for you to get a taste of what we’re cooking up in PHR+ and I hope you’ll consider supporting us.

This Week on Honey & Hustle

Christine Edwards, founder of Civility Localized, shares how to apply for RFPs and win government contracts. If you want to make these avenues a part of your 2025 revenue streams, this is the episode for you! This is an audio-only episode, and you can listen using the links below.

Listen on Apple Podcasts:Don’t forget to leave a review!

Listen on Spotify:

P.S. Looking for a mentor? Here are 5 questions you should ask them to get the most out of your 1:1 time with them.

Happy creating, I’m rooting for you!

Please Hustle Responsibly,


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